Tree song

Pruning is over-
now begins the growing.
Call forth energy
from deep roots,
stretch limbs,
feel buds begin to swell,
reach for wind and sun.

As you leaf,
understand that
under your green canopy,
flowers will grow in your shade,
and even in winter,
roots will store food
to feed the burst
of spring.
So in fall, paint your colors boldly,
brilliant reds and golds,
and put your seeds to slumber,
preparing for spring.

In your time of flowering,
or with naked branches,
do not fear the rain,
or the coldest winds,
but stand tall,
look to the horizon,
watch the sun set
and the sun rise.
From your center,
feel each fracture in your bark
find its way to heal.

Remember this:
Leaves know
when they must fall,
and when to bud,
just as the seed knows
when to put forth its first true leaves.


February 26, 2001


Trees grow
as plants grow
from inside out.
Newest rings,
swell from center,
stretch outside, until
bark cracks
to echo newest pulses.

Trees cannot move,
and a maple can never
become a pepper
or dogwood,
but follows its nature,
defined at center,
as leaves chase the sun
from the one place
where roots reach deep,
the place wherever seed had dropped
from wind, or bird.

Initials carved in the trunk
stay there,
just change color, dimension,
as bark expands.

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